New Chapter Q4 FMCG Talent Report

New Chapter Q3 FMCG Talent Report

As the new year begins, we have seen Q4 come to a close… but what has the market seen during this time? Here is our Q3 FMCG Talent Report.

Here at New Chapter, we believe in helping people and companies realise their potential and achieve their future ambitions. We put our quarterly reports together to inform both your talent and wider business strategies, as well as helping to create an advantage in ever more competitive markets.

Our unique data provides you with an insight into key trends in FMCG recruitment throughout Q4.

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The past year has been extremely turbulent for businesses, and it is safe to say we have witnessed dramatic change in the FMCG market. With that in mind, the data we gathered returned some very interesting findings as a result of shifting demands due to the pandemic.

Our report shares details into the past 12 months leading up to Q4 where we have seen the food and beverage industry gain the most talent from the retail industry. Within that talent pool Operations are one of the top five fastest growing job functions.

We hope that our free report download can provide you and your business with a detailed analysis into the market and thus guide you forward, with fresh insight, into a new quarter. Download below.

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