Beat the New Year Blues

Beat the New Year Blues

Happy New Year, here are some helpful steps to avoid those New Year blues!

Most people start the new year on a natural high after a relaxing festive period and the idea of new beginnings. As we continue further into January, the Christmas decorations return to the attic, and the work-to-do list gets progressively longer. 

Try something new

If you’ve always longed to start ice skating or painting workshops, now is the perfect time to learn a new skill. Taking up an extra activity or sport can top the list of things to accomplish in a new year, and the challenge can be extremely rewarding. Yet also intimidating and short-lived, so ensure you start 2023 looking forward to fresh activities with a goal in mind.

Ensure you get enough sunlight

Have you ever linked your mood to the lack of sun? Well, it’s a good idea to start, as a common reason for the January Blues is lack of sun exposure. Sunlight increases the release of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping you feel calm and focused. Melatonin is responsible for helping you sleep. Low serotonin levels create a higher risk of seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression triggered by the changing seasons.

To avoid this, start by taking short winter strolls or increasing your level of exercise throughout the winter period.

Avoid those unrealistic resolutions

Often overly ambitions resolutions lead straight to the January blues. Start with baby steps and set yourself a small goal to achieve each month. Being realistic but still moving in the right direction helps to achieve your end target, without experiencing burn out.

Take a mental break

For many, Christmas can be an incredibly stressful time. With so many preparations, no wonder everyone is burnt out by February.

To avoid this, take time and dedicate an entire weekend to yourself. This could be a venture to a luxury weekend getaway or something simple like a fresh hair-do. Ensuring this time for yourself will allow you to enter 2023 with the correct mindset.

Change career

If the dread of returning to work overlooked the excitement of a new year. Maybe your first step in 2023 is considering a change in company or career path altogether. We spend a lot of our time in the workplace, so ensuring you enjoy what you do is extremely important. Continuing in a position that leaves you unsatisfied, can be the largest contributor to the January blues.

Here at New Chapter, we can help you, with many live vacancies on our website.

Get in touch with our team of incredible consultants to discuss your options.
Let us guide you into the new year, starting a new chapter.

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