FMCG Talent Report: New Chapter Free Q3

New Chapter Q3 FMCG Talent Report

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With September drawing to a close, as does the third quarter of the year. The past 12 months have seen a dramatic change in the FMCG Talent recruitment market. This has been marked by numerous trends, such as high demand for candidates and a greater demand for flexible working. The pandemic caused businesses to pivot into new categories and therefore created a rapid increase in demand for talent in these areas. The result of these emerging trends has been a recruitment market centered around candidate’s needs and wants.

Take a sneak peek at our report below


Our report considered 335,030 professionals working within the FMCG, Sales, Marketing, Technical & NPD, Engineering and E-commerce job functions. We zoned in on how many of these professionals have changed jobs, who is looking for new opportunities, and where the hottest talent is hiding.

We understand the position a rapidly changing recruitment market can put you and your company in and so we have complied all our exclusive FMCG Talent Q3 recruitment data into one report. This report will give you a detailed account of what happened in the FMCG Talent recruitment market over the last 12 months, where it stands now, and what our predictions are for the next quarter.

We hope that our free report download can provide you and your business with a detailed analysis into the market and thus guide you forward, with fresh insight, into a new quarter.

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