Are you ready for a new job?

Are you ready for a new job?

How do you really know when it’s time to leave your current job?

At some point in your career, you may find yourself questioning whether it’s time to explore your options. It’s normal to have moments of doubt and transitioning into a new role can be a daunting decision, but how do you know it’s the right change for you?

With the common saying, “the grass isn’t always greener,” we understand that you need to feel certain before you make that decision. That’s why we’ve prepared a five-step guide to steer you in the right direction. As always, our FMCG consultants are available to answer any questions you may have about starting a new chapter.

1. You feel unfulfilled in your current job

If you no longer believe that your work has a purpose, it can significantly affect your happiness and motivation. While we all need to work to pay rent, it shouldn’t just be about the financial benefits. Work should also come with perks, recognition and a sense of achievement.

It’s important to value yourself, and your employer should do the same. If you feel that your company is falling short on this, it’s essential to address the issue. Shockingly, one-third of all employees in the UK, which is almost 10 million people, feel undervalued at work. This indicates the iminent need for change.

Employers should value your opinions and encourage your personal and professional growth. Their mentoring and support is key for progression. Therefore, if you’re not receiving this within your current role. It’s probably time for a career change or to see if there’s internal opportunities for a new challenge.

Current Job

2. You’re experiencing a toxic work environment

A negative work environment can have a severe impact on your mental health. Particularly if you’re dealing with a toxic boss, colleagues, or work culture. It’s important to work in an environment where you feel respected and supported. If your company lacks these qualities, it may be time to consider moving on.

Each company also has its unique culture, which may or may not suit you. If there’s a change in management that alters their values, you may struggle to adjust. In this case it’s probably a good time to open up to your manager about your concerns. Or maybe it’s even time to start looking for new opportunities.

3. You have that Sunday night dread

The fear of getting up on a Monday morning for work shouldn’t be a universal experience, but unfortunately, it is for many people.

If you find yourself dreading work, dragging yourself in, struggling to concentrate, and contemplating your career path, you’re not alone as the Indeed Work Happiness Score reveals that 1 in 3 are unhappy at work.

Here at New Chapter, we would love to help you find a role that excites you.

Job Change

4. You’re no longer growing in your current job

One of the biggest reasons that many employees contemplate a new role or career path is due to the lack of progression. Your workplace should be aiding your personal and professional growth, and if there are no opportunities to progress, how will you continue to learn and advance your career?

Personal development is the most important thing for many people at work. Being in a position where you are challenged and offered opportunities to further grow is extremely important. See if you can discuss new projects or opportunities with your manager. If nothing is on offer, why not start having a look through our current vacancies, to see if anything fits your dream job.

5. You’re experiencing a lack of work-life balance

Your job should not take over your personal life as this only leads to burnout or high stress levels. It’s crucial to prioritise your mental health and identify the rewards and benefits that come with your job.

For many people, their basic salary isn’t the most important part of their job package; instead, other benefits such as incentive trips, early finishes, and hybrid working make a huge difference in achieving a healthy work-life balance. If you’re unsure about what you should expect from a role, look into what other companies in your industry offer.

Current Job

Ultimately, deciding to find a new job is a big decision, and these five tips can point you in the right direction, and allow you to reflect on what matters most to you in a role.

If you’re certain change is for you, but you are not sure what opportunities are available, our specialist team of recruiters would love to help you.

To see more advice on making that decision to start a new opportunity, check out our recent blog.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss your career with one of our constultants!

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