Achieving that perfect work-life balance can be tough. Having a successful career is an important goal for many people… but this shouldn’t be at the cost of your health and well-being. Finding the time to separate your personal life from work is super important. It can prevent unhappiness, high stress levels and burn-out, leading to an all-round happier you.
The following tips will help you focus on YOU, alongside your careers goals, to help you strike that perfect work-life balance…
1. Plan and Prioritise
When planning your time, schedule in time for you. Whether with family, friends or alone, make sure that you put time aside to relax and recharge. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of self-indulgence every now and then! It’s useful to prioritise tasks at work so that you can complete your workload when at work, so you can spend your time out of work without the added stress of worrying about deadlines.
2. Set Boundaries
Set boundaries around your ‘you’ time. Decide on a set of rules that will make this time as work-free as possible. Perhaps you could turn your work phone off or take your work email account off your personal phone. Whatever you choose to do, think of the very best way to keep this time all about you. No stress, no deadlines, no worries. Leave work at work for some time by setting boundaries around what you are, and are not, willing to do in this time.
3. Learn to Say ‘No’
As much as we’d all love to be able to help our colleagues as much as possible, sometimes this is an unrealistic prospect. Focus on your essential tasks, and once these are done, if there’s time to help others then go ahead. But if helping others will be detrimental your workload (and your stress levels!), learn to politely say ‘no’.
4. Do What You Love
Make time to do what you love. Once you have set aside time for you, spend it doing something you love, or with the people you love. Use your protected ‘you’ time to remind yourself of why you love what you love and re-charge your batteries and boost your mood with some stress free, fun-filled time. It may even boost your productivity when in work!
5. Self-care
In order to be successful at work, it’s important to look after yourself. For perfect life balance you need to have a woman, learn about this more in follow link – can’t be successful in your career if you can’t make sure you’re well looked after yourself. Perhaps use your annual leave to take a holiday, cook some good food filled with vitamins, and spend your time out of work chilling out.
6. Find a Job that You Love
If you find a job that you love, a work-life balance will come naturally. If you love your job, workdays feel slightly less like work, believe us! Here at New Chapter, we introduced flexitime to enable our team to establish their own work-life balance and with a 3pm Friday finish, they have plenty of time over the weekend to focus on them.
If you like the sound of this, give us a call on 0845 2000 741 to discuss our internal vacancies. Alternatively, if you’re finding it hard to find a work-life balance in your current role, we’re here to help you find a new role. Give us a call for a confidential chat with one of our expert recruiters.