Author: Adrian Dalby

  • Alcohol Consumption and COVID-19: The Impact

    With the lifting and re-application of social distancing policies, on-trade businesses are having to keep up with a constantly changing landscape. A report by Kantar suggests businesses should focus more on evolving to the changes instead of re-bounding to the impact of COVID-19

    Alcohol sales, as a whole, have grown as a result of opportunities brought by the pandemic. For example, 70% of premium brands have grown their category share! On-trade sales were also temporarily boosted by the Eat Out to Help Out scheme. But when this scheme finished the balance shifted back to Off-trade.

    bottles of premium alcohol yellow blue label

    To account for the decrease in On-trade demand, Kantar suggest businesses offer deals that are away from the bar and are outside consumption friendly.

    Off-trade alcohol sales however remain the fastest growing category in the UK. Celebratory after work drinking has been replaced by drinking within the home. Beer sales have actually increased exponentially, with a 66% increase between April and June 2020! Also, the No-Lo alcohol category has seen triple digit growth in June.

    Here are a few ways that businesses can respond to the evolving trends identified in this article…

    Heavily branded categories such as Alcohol and Confectionary are growing at fast rates. It’s important that your business understands the incremental impact of your brand within its category – this will help you to engage and understand your customers

    You may want to size-up your bottles and pack-sizes, ready-to-drink offers, premiumisation, and ease of shop findability. Shopper behaviour is going to change to price and promotion expectations as a result of the recession

    Shoppers may trade up or down in value as a result of Minimum Unit Pricing!


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  • The Changing World of Beauty

    What's New in the Industry?

    While the Beauty and Cosmetics industry may be doing better than other consumer goods categories. 2020 will still be the worst year on record for the industry.

    The pandemic has changed consumer need for beauty and cosmetic products. No longer are individuals wearing makeup all-day every day. A quick bit of lippy before a Zoom call has been much more common in 2020.

    A report by Kinsey & Company has found the impact of the pandemic on this industry will not be 100% short term. A few long-term changes will alter the Beauty and Cosmetics industry in fundamental ways.

    two girls on bed wearing face packs
    Digital will continue to rise

    Direct to consumer e-commerce are becoming more important. Global consumers online engagement and spending is set to increase. To attract these new online customers, Beauty and Cosmetics businesses will need to make sure their digital channels are prioritised to catch them.

    Innovation has accelerated

    The pandemic showed supply-chains were not robust enough to cope with demand. The need for delivery speed has become greater and greater. To achieve a quicker delivery speed, there may be an increased need for contract manufacturers. There may be potential for closer collaboration between brands and retailers.

    Companies will need to find new soutces of capital

    Covid-19 has caused damage to many brand, retailers, and suppliers balance sheets; they will need to source capital in different ways.

    The need for wellbeing has become increasing ingrained into everyone’s day to day lives; with good health being highly sought after. The definition of ‘beauty’ has consequently been altered from the need for glamour on a night out, to feeling good within yourself within the home.

    an image of an orange and green logo with words

    Has your business or job in the beauty and cosmetics industry been effected by the pandemic? 

    We’d love to see how we could help; be it with a talent map or to talk through our current vacancies. 

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  • How to Work Best with Recruiters

    There has never been a more crucial time to work cohesivley with recruiters. To get the most out of your investment in recruitment follow these steps New Chapter believe are the key to effective and efficient recruitment.

    1. Anticipating the Need for New Hires

    Establish communication or a relationship with a recruiter or recruitment company that is both vetted against your companies values and one that you believe will provide you a good service that will ultimately fill your requirements. Internally, it is important for you to develop a rigorous forecast if the company’s talent needs – and then link your talent plan into your strategic plan.

    2. Specify the Job Clearly

    Ensure you have defined what the job will demand, and which skills and experience are relevant, so that the recruiter clearly understands what you are wanting and can utilise their candidate database accordingly. Also take into consideration how company culture and  context could affect the role and the candidate suitability.

    3. Have Regular Updates with your Recruiter when they are Developing the Talent Pool

    You will not be annoying your recruiter if you check in to ask how the search is going. Checking in on their progress could mean the difference between a 2-week recruitment process and a 2-month process, which can save you a lot of time and money.

    4. Be Enthusiastic

    Your recruiter of choice will have the up-most excitement to fill your vacancy, and it helps if you, the client, returns this enthusiasm. This can be in the form of quick responses to calls or e-mails and showing active support in a candidate’s journey.

    Interview Questions

    Our consultants at New Chapter are specialists in each of their fields and are always keen to see where they can help a business with their recruitment needs. If you feel you would benefit from a chat, you can contact us on 0845 2000 741 or click the button below.

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  • five²™ The best way to attract talent...

    five²™ The Best Way to Attract Talent and Guarantee Long Term Success

    To achieve success when recruiting new talent into your business New Chapter adopts a unique assignment service. This approach guarantees success in your recruitment process, and will ensure your investment is long-term.

    “The difference came when we met their candidates, all of whom were exceptional. New Chapter seem to have search methods that draw perfect candidates to your vacancies even if they weren’t previously looking for a new job.”

    New Chapter lead the industry through our assignment services approach to recruitment; known as five²™. Our proprietary five²™ process demonstrates real value for money, delivers an exceptional candidate experience and minimises your time spent on hiring.

    Five² contains 25 steps to ensure we identify the best talent in the marketplace, not just on a recruiter’s database. We produce bespoke marketing materials – including candidate information packs and video job adverts that create a positive employer brand and help us engage with passive candidates.  We map the market to ensure we match and engage the best people for your role.

    We then assess the candidates against your specific requirements and feed back to you their strengths and weaknesses. All you have to do is turn up and interview our shortlist and decide who is the best fit for you.

    Its proven that this approach leads to more successful hires.  After 2 years, 87% of the candidates we have placed with our clients are still in post. Over 50% of those have been promoted to higher positions.

    So, does the idea of working in a highly successful way for no extra cost appeal to you?

    If so, contact us and we will be in touch shortly.

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