Author: Charlotte Wainright

  • An Intro Into: Metaverse, Blockchain and NFTs

    Three of the most high-profile tech concepts of recent years – NFTs, blockchain, and the metaverse.

    Growing to be our new future, these technological developments are providing huge opportunity for businesses and we wanted to take a quick look into how…

    The Metaverse

    The metaverse is an immersive digital ‘world’ populated by virtual avatars representing actual people. Existing in real time as a place that is constantly active. It is seen as a self-contained and fully functioning universe containing user generated content. Rather than a new specific type of technology. The metaverse is seen more as a broad shift in how we interact with technology as a whole.

    Learning about the metaverse can be bewildering and is almost like discussing this new thing called the ‘internet’ back in the 1970’s. Just as the internet developed back then, the Metaverse is in the process of being built. No one has a clear view of how this will exactly run or come to life, and it is important to keep this in mind. Speak of smart glasses is one of the many ways the essence and potential of the metaverse has been articulated in what we could call ‘proto-metaverse’ ideas.

    However this is a world of virtual reality that continues to exist even when you aren’t on it. Combining aspects of the digital and physical worlds and will be a huge assets to the development of businesses. This follows through into a digital economy within the metaverse where users can create, buy, and sell goods. It is already possible to attend virtual events  with your personal avatar and interact with others. This is expected to continue developing into a much huger interactive and widely promoted alternate reality. Consumers can shop, attend virtual conventions and test products all from the comfort of their own home. The size of the audience grows exponentially when you move the experience online. A great example from a Forbes report is a car show, which helps you consider the potential reach if they moved to the metaverse. Where you can simply put on some virtual reality glasses and “sit” in a car to experience and see it from the inside out. The creative opportunity for these types of events is endless and highly valuable for consumer experience.  


    Non Fungible Tokens

    An NFT is a blockchain-based digital file that allows “collectors” to own one-of-a-kind, limited-quantity artefacts that appreciate in value as a result of a bidding process.

    NFTs are non-interchangeable, unique cryptographic assets which are block chain based digital files. Which allows “collectors” to own one-of-a-kind, limited-quantity artefacts that appreciate in value as a result of a bidding process. They use unique identification codes and meta data to distinguish from one another. Making these items truly one of a kind, and impossible for NFTs to be equal to each other. This differs them from crypto currencies such as bitcoin (fungible assets). Which are identical to one another and can be used as a form of commercial transactions.

    Digital analytics firm DappRadar, which tracks NFT data on various platforms, reports that the total market of volume generated by the NFTs in 2020 was $95 million. By the end of Q2 2021 that figure stood at $2.5 billion.

    NFTs hold a strong market efficiency as they can streamline processes by removing intermediaries, simplify transactions, and create new markets. This can make them a perfect vehicle for businesses to digitally represent physical assets such as artwork and property.

    Brands may use NFTs to generate unique experiences, partnerships, iconic imagery, and memorable marketing campaigns, among other things. This opens up a whole new market by injecting funds in a short period of time. It allows companies to keep possession of their original assets without worry of manipulation, knockoffs, or modifications.

    This new way of encouraging consumer interaction allows businesses to create their own tokens. They can then offer new and returning customers the ability to purchase goods and services in a unique and timely manner. As something that doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon. These tokens are now proving to be a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs.

    Block Chain

    Block chain technology as mentioned previously are what NFT’s are built upon, but what actually are they?

    Essentially it is a database that keeps a decentralized and secure record of transactions. However, unlike a database which structures data into tables, blockchain structures data into blocks which are woven together. When a block is completed, it is assigned a time stamp. It becomes a permanent part of the chain, resulting in an irreversible data timeline. The blockchain’s innovation is that it maintains the fidelity and security of a data record. Thereby establishing trust without the necessity for a third party. This is why it currently plays a huge role in cryptocurrency systems such as bitcoin.

    Blockchains are an excellent main vehicle source for delivering information and so are perfectly designed for the use of business. Essentially, the faster and more accurate information is received, the better. Blockchains deliver immediate, shareable, and entirely transparent information. Which is kept on an immutable ledger where only permissioned network users can view.

    Almost anything of value can be managed and traded on Blockchain. Assets can be tangible (land, car, cash etc) or intangible (patents, copyrights, branding etc). In business for example orders, payments, accounts, production, and much more may all be tracked using a blockchain network. Due to the transparency of transaction information users have greater confidence and additional efficiencies.

    These topics are becoming much more widely spoken about, experimented with and now invested in. We hope this has been a good starting point and helped you gain a basic understanding of how businesses can benefit from this ‘new future’.

    A side from the many beneficial impacts and growth opportunities these present businesses with. Marketers can specifically take huge advantage of the new world ‘technology’. As an FMCG business we have noticed how we can benefit from these marketing opportunities and next week we want to take a more focussed look into this…

    Keep a look out for our blog next week:

    The Metaverse, Blockchain and NFT’s - How marketers and the FMCG industry can benefit from this new future.

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  • No Years Resolutions

    No Years Resolution

    It’s that time of year where all the new year well wishes are followed by, “what’s your New Years resolution”.

    Not only that, there is also a constant flow from brands and people alike bombarding you with the ‘new year, new me’, where we fall into the trap of believing that we owe ourselves and others a new version of who we are.

    It almost seems that at this time of year change is a must if we want to be happy.

    Our new year’s resolutions often end up being more of what we hate (spending more time in the gym) and less of what we love (eating chocolate)!

    As most of us find, year in year out, loading this pressure on ourselves is often very counterproductive with the stress of sticking to it and the disappointment of failing making you feel pretty rubbish, which ultimately can make you avoid attempting positive changes in the future.

    One article reports that of those who made resolutions, only a quarter kept all of them (26%), half managed to keep some of them (48%) and around a quarter failed entirely (23%). 

    However, ‘New year, new me’ is not all bad and it can of course be fun. Heading into the new year with a positive and determined mindset is a great thing… especially when there’s things you want to leave behind!

    Some of us like the challenge too and it can really help to push us in the right direction, but for those who dismiss resolutions or find them selves failing to achieve their goals, we have got some tips for you:

    Don’t put a time frame on things. Knowing you’re not putting pressure on yourself to achieve these changes by a set date will also give you confidence that if you have a bad day or fall back into old habits, you can pick up where you left off instead of quitting up and beginning over next year.

    Take the pressure off, be kind and realistic with your self. Rather than eating clean for a month, make the change more achievable by breaking this down. E.G. Instead of no ‘bad’ foods (which would be pretty dull and make you feel that way too), try first of all just limiting it to one treat meal per week.


    Actively measure your progress, this will help you see what you are achieving and keep pushing you to continue. 

    Whenever possible, piggy-back on an existing habit. It’s a lot easier than trying to introduce and adopt a new habit.

    Allow your self to have bad days – What matters is the long term. While you might occasionally fail, see a setback as just a setback – not a deal breaker. 

    New year, new me… a phrase that is all about becoming who you aspire to be – and no timescale can be put on that!

    What do you think about New Years resolutions, have you set any this year?

    Share your thoughts on the topic in our comments box.

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  • How To Love Your Gut

    How To Love Your Gut

    Our gut, AKA the second brain.

    It is believed by scientific professionals that our gut is the root of our overall health, if your gut is not healthy, you will not be healthy.

    What we put into our bodies, from food to drink, and the medication we take, can have a huge toll on our gut and in turn, our weight, mood, mental health, and much more.

    So, why is a healthy gut important and how can you live to love your gut?

    7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut

    It can be hard to recognize these issues sometimes, however they can impact many elements of our health, including the brain, heart, immune system, skin, weight, hormone levels, food absorption, and even cancer formation.

    There are a number of ways to help recognize if you have an unhealthy gut. Here are seven of the most common signs:

    1.An upset stomach

    2. Gas or bloating

    3. Tiredness and issues sleeping

    4. Skin problems or irritation

    5. Food sensitivity

    6. Unintentional weight gain

    7. Mood issues

    7 Steps to Improving Your Gut Health

    There are many changes we can make to our everyday lives to help improve our gut health, these include:

    High stress levels can have a lot of effects on the body, one being your gut. To lower these, you can try many things such as taking time out to journal, or simply making lists to help empty your mind, get plenty of fresh air by going for walks, drink less caffeine and taking time out to spend time with friends & family

    Meals are easily finished off quickly, especially when you are hungry! It is important for your digestion to take time eating as this not only prevents any digestive discomfort but also helps your body to absorb all the nutrients from your food, aiding toward a healthier gut.

    Sleep, as we know, is very important for many health reasons with gut health included. Try to get at least 7 hours of solid sleep per night. If you struggle getting to sleep at night ensure you are reducing screen time in the lead up, try reading or listening to a podcast, sleep music can also be super beneficial for some people too!

    Probiotics are made up of live yeast and bacteria and are taken to ‘feed’ the good bacteria within your digestive system and gut. You can find foods with added probiotics or take them in the form of a tablet too.

    Some of the top selling probiotic products:

    • Garden of Life Probiotics – £31.95
    • Indi Body – £45

    Probiotic yoghurts such as:

    • Yakult Milk Bottles £3
    • Actimel Probiotic Yoghurt Drinks – £3.75



    The mucosal lining of the intestines, as well as the balance of good bacteria in the gut are impacted by your hydration. Drinking plenty of water and keeping hydrated is a simple way to support a healthier gut.

    Decreasing intake of foods high in sugar and fat is essential, ensure you have a balanced diet. Eating plenty of fibre and lean protein is important as these are critical for ‘feeding’ the beneficial bacteria.

    In recent years the plant-based diet has become hugely popular, especially with the amount of meat substitutes growing, and this diet has been found to have a positive impact on the gut too.

    Cramping, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, rashes, nausea, fatigue, and acid reflux are all signs of potential food intolerances. If you suffer from any of the symptoms listed it is likely you may have an intolerance, the simplest way to work out what is to cut out and slowly re introduce types of food, such as dairy or gluten. Identifying the issue should help you alter you’re eating habits and make appositive impact on your digestive health.

    Christmas time can be a particular wobble for our guts. Diets are scrapped and our weekends are filled with Christmas parties, cocktails, canapes and frantic Christmas shopping… almost all of the above we advise to avoid!

    Obviously, you won’t be declining your social invites in order to look after your gut, but there are some simple things you can keep in mind…

    • Don’t turn down the veggies at dinner
    • Keep dancing, any exercise is good exercise!
    • Red wine is your friend, pick your drinks wisely. You will be pleased to hear this tipple is high in polyphenols (micronutrients that provide energy for the microbes in our gut).
    • Enjoy high fibre snacks like nuts, olives and popcorn rather than the crisps to help keep your immune system strong and gut nourished!
    • Keep organised, don’t feel guilty for indulging in the naughty Christmas treats and take the time to enjoy the festivities with all your friends and family. Sing, dance, admire all the gorgeous parts of Christmas and keep those stress levels low!

    Use the upcoming new year as a perfect time to learn more about loving your body and start implementing these little changes to make a huge difference!

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  • Top Tips To a Sustainable Christmas

    Top Tips To a Sustainable Christmas

    Christmas and our traditional ways can have a lot of impact on the environment, we should be having a sustainable christmas. With our bright fairy lights, the endless wrapping paper, and the feasts of Christmas this is hard to achieve. There are lots of little changes we can make this Christmas to be kinder to our planet without spoiling any Christmas cheer… number one, don’t decorate your house like Steve Finch or Buddy Hall!


    1.Quality over quantity:

    We’ve all been there, the last-minute panic buying just before the big day. All too frequently people receive gifts they will never us. Now more than ever is the time to put thought into your gifts. Ensure you are buying correctly to prevent waste and have a sustainable christmas. You should make every gift count by buying things with value, purpose and meaning.

    Back in 2018 research by Royal Mail found that the number of returned gifts totaled to a whopping £1billion! Although it’s the thought that counts, getting something you don’t need or want is no fun for anyone. Gifting an  experience is a great present idea that can help you avoid giving someone a gift they don’t want… and with it comes memories to keep forever!

    Another good approach to reduce waste and unneeded gifts is to opt for a single large gift instead. Secret Santa is a great way to achieve this with your family.


    When shopping for gifts it’s good to keep conscious of the materials used to make them. Avoid single use plastics, keep an eye out for organic certified labels and ensure wood and paper are created from recycled or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified materials.

    Have a go at some thrift shopping this year and buying second hand. This saves on resources to make new items and you can often find some super unique steels when you shop this way.

    3.Get creative

    If you’ve got a little side skill, put it to use and have a go at handmaking some gifts this Christmas. Creating something sentimental, saving money and helping the environment. It all comes hand in hand this way… and grandma is bound to love it too!

    rectangle Blog Photos (6)


    You may have noticed some of our high street shops doubling up their paper shopping bags as gift wrap, this has come from the likes of Primark who are working to support a more sustainable Christmas.


    Why is wrapping paper so bad?

    Wrapping paper would definitely sit in the top five things related to Christmas on family fortunes… unfortunately though it is extremely wasteful and often not even recyclable. The product is made from virgin paper (a kind of paper that does not contain any recycled content), which is produced from logged trees in forests and we are very aware of the environmental impact of de-forestation.

    Its also important to remember not to try and recycle glittery or foiled paper, as well as paper with sticky tape on as all these items can not be recycled and can ruin the whole load it is mixed with.

    In the UK alone, it’s been estimated by WRAP* that the amount of wrapping paper the country throws out at Christmas would stretch to the moon!!

    * waste & resource action programme

    When shopping look for wrapping paper made of recycled paper, or you could even try your own materials! This can look super effective, find some inspiration below…


    According to imperial college research, a massive 1.5 billion Christmas cards are thrown away by UK households each year.

    You can up your sustainability efforts this Christmas by sending out E-cards instead, there are many platforms with pre made designs or apps like Canva where you can create your own for free.

    Whilst we of course can’t stop your loved ones sending you cards, rather than putting them in the bin you can have a go at creating your own gift tags for next year with all the gorgeous designs!


    Turkey sandwiches everyday the week following Christmas… usually the standard procedure! Of course, this is a great way to reduce food waste but we still face a HUGE amount of it every christmas.

    Every year in the UK, approximately 7 million tonnes of food is wasted. Just during the Christmas period on average, 2 million turkeys, 5 million Christmas puddings, and 74 million mince pies get disposed while still edible, causing almost 270,000 tons of food waste in total during this widely celebrated holiday. 

    Be more conscious when shopping and try to pre plan how much you will realistically need for all your guests, whilst shopping also try and pick out products with UK produce labels to reduce food miles (avoiding food that’s been flown around the world to get here), and sustainability certifications such as RSPO-certified palm oil and MSC-certified seafood.

    If you are stuck with left overs and you’re unsure what to do with them then have a browse online. You can research all kinds of recipes for inspiration of ways to use up your left overs! Such as BBC good food.

    Sustainable Gifting

    Following our top tips and with Christmas just around the corner we are sure many of you, like us, still have a lot of shopping to get done! Here are some sustainable and eco-friendly gift ideas for your loved ones this year…

    Made from plants, this biodegradable phone case means you can protect your phone in a way that’s good for the planet.

    100% leakproof , made from single-use paper cups. Explore their website for more products giving single-use a second chance.

    Contemporary crafted, sustainable clothing from natural fabrics with women’s and men’s bamboo, hemp and organic cotton clothing.

    Organic Scarf

    Personalized hair, body, and skin care. Cruelty-, sulphate- and paraben-free. 

    The Shine Set

    Bottles made with Ocean Plastic, tubes made from post-consumer-recycled plastic and designed for circular recycling.

    Ren All Is Calm Gift Set. 

    100% organic spirit, distilled with a unique combination of classic gin botanicals and local Scottish plan.

    NC’NEAN Gin

    Every piece is handcrafted with 100% recycled gold vermeil and sterling silver, reducing CO2 emissions by over 60%.

    Charm Bracelet

    The Rebel Earbuds are sustainably made using bamboo and recycled plastics. 


    Collective social change can make a significant difference in tackling the climate crisis. Not only that, a more sustainable Christmas can help you spend less money, produce less waste, and promote the issues around climate change and sustainability.

    Looking for a fresh chapter in the new year?

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  • The Great Resignation of 2021 – Is...

    The Great Resignation of 2021 – Is It time to Change Roles?

    You may or may not have heard conversation over the past couple of months surrounding ‘the great resignation’. This has become a particularly talked about topic recently. It is yet another significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. But what is it?

    The number of people resigning from their jobs since mid-2021 has been the highest for a very long time. This has meant open job vacancies surpassed 1 million for the first time in August. Leading us to ‘The great resignation of 2021’!

    There are many reasons behind this trend, particularly with the pandemic highlighting numerous issues for individuals. It has made them reassess what is a priority in their working life. Amongst these issues is role burn out, lack of employee focus, poor working conditions, and fear of catching the virus.


    The months of the pandemic for some saw increased stress levels and working hours. Which comes hand in hand with home working. It’s therefore no surprise this has caused burn out for many in their roles. Along with the feeling of underappreciation or value in the company. Covid is still a part of our lives, and the lasting effects this has had on employees remains, This is evident in the subsequent trend of reconsideration and resignation of roles. 

    Interestingly, two of our largest sectors we recruit in, the food service and retail commerce industries. Have had the first and second highest rate of employee turnover in 2021 respectively. The food sector employee turnover was 6.8% and retail commerce at 4.7%.


    Rapid Growth

    After rapid growth of the great resignation trend, with the peak in August. This has created one of the most unpredictable jobs market we have ever seen. Now we are watching this level out, but how does that leave the employability and recruitment market?

    British employers are facing the most severe shortage of candidates on record. The ratio of job seekers to open vacancies becoming unbalanced after the surge of job moves. For the first time in a long time, candidates were in control of the market. Now that they are settled in new positions, businesses have been left searching for individuals to fill their vacancies. This is pushing up starting pay for at an unprecedented pace. Business are now trying to find ways to help reluctant individuals make the move.

    Here at New Chapter we have witnessed the notable change in the number of individuals showing interest in a career change. We take pride in being able to help people with such a huge step.

    Maybe you have just moved roles, perhaps you’ve been there a while? Regardless of time it is extremely important to ensure you regularly take a moment to look at your position and ensure it is right for you.

    We are all aware time flies, and it can be very easy to just get comfortable letting each day at work pass by. For some, work can be too busy to even notice how you are feeling. This can become weeks, months and even years until you finally take a step back. Make sure to look at your career path and question if it is right for you.

    So, this leads us to asking you to take a moment and think about your current job role and career…

    Here are six questions you can ask your-self to understand and identify if it could be time to change jobs:

    One of the biggest questions to consider is – am I paid enough for the work I do?

    It is always important to review this and we are currently undertaking a salary survey to help you do so. By partaking in our salary survey you will receive a free download to help you understand what other people in the industry are earning. 

    We have supported some of the best and brightest talent within the FMCG & Retail industry for over 16 years now. We love what we do and we understand changing your job can seem daunting. But if you are ready to put your feelers out on to the market, what’s the harm in trying?

    We would love to have a chat with you about your career goals and the status of the market right now. Click below to arrange a call with one of our specialist Consultants today!

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  • New Chapter’s Top Festive Cocktails

    New Chapter's Top Festive Cocktails

    The festive season is upon us and creeping up very quickly. Here at New Chapter Christmas party planning is in action and of course, that involves festive cocktails!

    We have pulled together some of our teams favorite recipes to help inspire you for all your Christmas events from big to small, and wow your guests with something different.

    From fizz, to fruity and even spicy, were sure we’ve got festive cocktails for everyone… let us know your favorite!


    Festive cocktails are an essential part of any celebration. Whether it’s a holiday party, a family gathering, or just a fun night out with friends. These drinks add a special touch to any occasion. They are sure to put you in the holiday spirit. We hope you will try one of our consultants fun recipes!

    If drinks is one of your passions then make sure you check out all our job opportunities in this industry!

    FMCG Salary Survey Data Collection Ad

    After the success of our Drinks Salary Survey, we are excited to announce that we will be releasing our free FMCG Salary Survey 2022 at the beginning of January!

    We are currently gathering data and insights to build the survey and give you a comprehensive review of salaries, benefits and packages within your industry and profession. 
    The survey will give you the ability to compare your salary against the industry average and ensure what you are receiving is competitive.

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  • Competency Based Interviews – A Guide for...

    A Guide to Help You Prepare for Your Competency Based Interview

    Aside from regular, interviews based around open questions with little structure, you may find your self needing to prepare for a competency-based interview.

    Aimed at taking examples of your past experiences and situations to compare you to other candidates, these interviews can require a little more prep time and we have you covered!

    So, what is a competency based interview?

    Also known as structured, behavioural or situational, this style of interview is designed to find out how you have used specific skills in your previous experience and how you approach problems, tasks and challenges. Based on the idea that past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour. 

    Competency based interviews are more systematic in comparison to a standard, unstructured interview. The interviewer will ask you a series of questions, each concentrating on a different ability, and your responses will be compared to pre-determined criteria and graded appropriately. The interviewer will want specific examples of when and how you demonstrated particular behaviours. 

    The word competency is widely used in business and personnel psychology and refers to the behaviours that are necessary to achieve the objectives of an organisation.

    Competency Variations

    There are a variety of competencies you can be assessed against, some of the key areas are as follows:

    Your personal attributes: Flexibility, decisiveness, tenacity, independence, risk taking, personal integrity.

    Taking charge of other people: Leadership, empowerment, strategic planning, corporate sensitivity, project management, management control.

    The elements of decision making: Innovation, analytical skills, numerical problem solving, problem solving, practical learning, detail consciousness.

    Dealing with other people: Communication, impact, persuasiveness, personal awareness, teamwork, openness.

    The things that drive you: Resilience, energy, motivation, achievement orientation, initiative, quality focus

    Preparing for the Interview

    The key to providing successful answers to competency questions is preparation, luckily this is pretty easy to do.

    Firstly, it’s essential that you read and understand the job advert, review the job description carefully and identify the skills and traits likely to be assessed. Next you must prepare by thinking of examples of when and how you’ve demonstrated each of these.

    Competency focused, well-structured answers are extremely powerful and will win you the interviews.

    Question examples

    Essentially, the interviewer is searching for examples of important attributes in practice.

    Your examples could derive from previous work, your education, or even personal hobbies, such as sports teams or groups you are involved in. 

    NC Top Tips

    As you can see, responding to these questions requires a thorough recollection and a solid understanding of the examples you use in response to the question.

    Practice makes perfect; preparing for interviews will help you succeed in showcasing your skills to a potential employer.

    Follow our top tips below to ensure you’re expertly prepared…

    Prior to the interview come up with six to ten responses that demonstrate behaviours and skills that employers typically seek. Use examples that will exploit your top selling points and make sure to vary these from times across the past five years – don’t focus specifically on one time throughout the IV.

    • Half of your examples should be entirely positive, such as accomplishments or meeting goals
    • The other half should be situations that started out negatively but either ended positively or you made the best of the outcome

    *Use key skills highlighted in the job description to help you pick out attributes

    Don’t make any false statements. You will be questioned on the subject, and any enhancements you’ve created will soon be recognised.

    Don’t try and think on your feet, pressure can often get the better of us and you can end up forgetting to mention key points.

    With that said, take your time to think of your answer. You shouldn’t feel under pressure to respond immediately.

    Don’t rehearse too much so that you sound like a robot on the day – showing off your personality is a very valuable asset in an interview too!

    STAR Model

    The STAR model is something that you can follow to help you keep your answers clear and concise, identifying each following aspect of the model will help you establish a strong question response…

    Situation: describe a situation or problem that you have encountered – the background / context

    Task: describe the task you were faced with – what did the situation require?

    Actions: describe the action you took and the obstacles that you had to overcome. How and why did you do this?

    Results: highlight the outcomes achieved – what was accomplished or achieved from the situation?

    *Relate the skill or ability you’re illustrating back to the vacancy you’re applying for and explain why it’s useful.

    We wish you the very best of luck for your interview and future career!

    If you would like any further advice or career help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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  • A New Chapter Halloween

    We’re here to help lift your spirits this Halloween with our quick spooky season round up.

    We’ve got you covered; from heart racing days out and events across the country, to some creative inspiration and even ways to get the most out of your money with your pumpkins this year! 

    Eerie Events

    Haunted Castles

    Ghost Walks

    Fright Nights & Scare Fests

    Spooktacular Carving Inspo

    We have come across some crazy pumpkin designs this year from the basic to the pure art. These are some of favorite designs for you to have a go at yourself!

    Bone appetit!

    Halloween is a great time of year for those of us who love creating the wow factor. From costumes, to home décor down to your food and even a spooky cocktail, we are so here for the all out theme’s and even more so when its easy but still effective! So why not take some inspiration from our favorite spooky snacks and jazzed up cocktails to impress your guests this scary season…

    Creepy Cocktails

    How to easily spice up your cocktails this spooky season with some simple garnish ideas…Find cocktail recipe ideas here


    Spooky Snacks

    Simple Halloween snack creations, from hot dog mummies to stuffed pepper pumpkins and monster burgers, here are some of our favorite Pinterest ideas!


    New Chapters Very Own Creepy Carvings

    New Chapter 2021 pumpkin carving competition…Our favorite 5 entries from both team London & Leeds have been selected.

    From these, our 2021 winner is…

    Catherine O'Donnell!!

    Gholish Guts - How to Use Your Pumpkin Pulp

    Surprisingly, there is numerous ways you can make use of your pumpkin guts and avoid chucking them straight in the bin. Food 52 has helped us pull together a few ideas to help you get the most out of your money from your pumpkin this Halloween!


    Turns out the horrid insides aren’t so bad, they are in fact packed with vitamins, zinc, and antioxidants that will leave your skin glowing. If you can bring yourself to do it, then pumpkin guts give you simple, effective skincare… what’s no to love.

    For an alternative twist on hummus try sautéing pumpkin pulp with oil and puréeing with canned chickpeas.

    A fourth-generation South Indian chutney recipe that makes great use of your pumpkin guts.

    For a super easy, healthy snack try toasting your pumpkin seeds with flavours such as

    • Meyer Lemon Zest, Cayenne, and Olive Pumpkin Seeds
    • Sweet Curry Pumpkin Seeds
    • Garlic Chive Pumpkin Seeds

    Find out how to create plus ways to enjoy here!

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  • Preparing for an Interview – A Guide...

    Preparing for Interviews – A Guide for Candidates

    There’s no such thing as being too prepared for your interview …

    Job interviews can be a very nerve-racking time for the most of us. One of the key things to overcoming this and help you to excel on the day is preparation.

    Putting time into planning and preparing for interviews will benefit you in so many ways. By influencing your chance of success and, most importantly, helping you stand out from other candidates.

    We have compiled our NC top tips for you to follow. To help you get ready for your interview and bring your a-game.

    Actions such as logging onto the Zoom meeting five minutes early or planning your route to the location beforehand may seem small, but they carry a lot of weight in an interview process and can help you stand out of the crowd.

    For an in-person interview, you want to ensure you arrive with at least 10 minutes to spare. Not only will this give you time to settle and avoid any last-minute stress, but it will also reflect your punctuality and time keeping skills to the company.

    Top tip:

    • Being late is a BIG red flag, avoid it all costs.
    • If you are going to be late, get in contact with the company at the earliest convenience to let them know.

    As soon as you walk in the room your interviewer will begin making judgements from your appearance, to attitude, and how your hold yourself, thus making all these factors super important.

    Dress codes in many workplaces are changing and have relaxed a lot over the last few years. But, that’s not to say dressing smart is no longer key for an interview, dressing appropriately for the role you are applying for can make a massive impact – particularly if you do it wrong! As a key pointer, stay away from jeans, T-shirts and clothing with logos or slogans. Smart and simple is safe but don’t hide your personality if this isn’t you, just be clear on the dress code in the company you are attending an interview for.

    Top tip:

    • Have a look on their social media pages to get an idea of the companies dress code.
    • If you are still unsure, ask the person you are in contact with at the company.


    Remember to be positive, enthusiastic, and most importantly, confident in yourself and your ability to succeed in both the interview and role you are applying for. A way to come across as confident is to show this through your body language – keep your shoulders back, hands still and maintain eye contact!


    Prior to your interview ensure you research the company, so you have plenty of knowledge on them and their activities. The website, annual reports, trade brochures and social media pages are a great starting point for this.

    You can take your prep further by completing research such as a SWOT analysis to view how the company is performing. Sharing your comments and observations on this in the interview can demonstrate your efforts to go the extra mile and your passion for the role / company.

    Its very easy in an interview to politely say ‘no’ when asked if you have any questions but keeping the interview 2-way looks great.

    Whilst hopefully, you will have naturally gathered some questions to ask at the end of your interview, this is not always the case, so it is a good idea to prepare some beforehand to ensure you come across interested and invested in both the company and process.

    Use the job spec firstly, and most importantly, to form a clear understanding of the requirements and whether you feel this role is right for you. Following from this, use the spec to marry up your experience with both the personal and experiential requirements of the role, identify your strengths and weaknesses and use these in your favour.

    Top tip:

    • Don’t be afraid to ask for more information if you feel the job specification and requirements are not detailed enough.


    When it comes around to the interview keep in mind that your interviewer has limited time to recognize your relevance and suitability for the role. This is where you need to use your experience and strengths to sell yourself and highlight your appropriateness for the role… Sell, don’t tell!!

    Top tip:

    • Know your CV! Simple but key. You want to be able to always refer to your CV to sell yourself. Focus on your experience, responsibilities, and achievements.

    With that said, don’t be afraid to emphasise what you have achieved, particularly as we mentioned previously, you have a limited time to impress the interviewer.

    It can be a good idea to put together a simple document for the interviewer to keep which will re iterate the achievements you talk about. This can range from things such as company league tables, testimonials, specific examples of work and awards.

    It can be impressive to help close the meeting, particularly when pursuing a sales opportunity. Use the opportunity to end with questions such as:

    • What is the next stage of your process?
    • What reservations, if any, do you have about me?
    • How do I compare to other candidates you have met?

    Unfortunately, after an interview there is very little you can do other than wait, and this can be an anxious time. You must avoid being overly eager or pushy as you don’t want to jeopardize any chances of getting the job.

    With that said, following up after your interview with a short note can certainly work in your favour and leave a final positive impression.

    Top tip:

    Do this toward the close of day or in the following 2 days of the interview, by emailing everyone from the meeting thanking them for their time and confirming you interest in the role opportunity.

    Finally, it is key to feedback to your consultant at the earliest possible time following your interview. This is extremely important, whether your feel your interview has gone well or not. It allows us to communicate with the client and gather their feedback too, which is essential to helping you move forward in the process.

    Good luck for your upcoming interviews from everyone at New Chapter!

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  • New Chapter Advent Calendar Picks of 2021

    New Chapter Top 20 Advent Calendar Picks of 2021


    Yes we know it’s only October, but in some Christmas departments you need to be ahead of the game… and this is one, with many advent calendars on pre-order or sale now.

    They have certainly become quite the craze in recent years, gone are the days of the £1 dairy milk basic as consumers are now spending up of £100+ on the Christmas countdown products.

    You will find most of our big name favorites (and small) selling Christmas calendars this season, each cramming in a great variety of products making the value often very worthwhile!

    You can find an advent calendar on the market for almost anything and anyone, even our fury friends, so we have pulled together our favorite FMCG picks of 2021 to help guide you to the right one…

    Fever-Tree – Gin & Tonic Calendar


    Whittard’s – Hot Chocolate For Two


    Laith Waites – Wine Calendar


    Master of Malt – Whisky Calendar


    BREWDOG – Craft Beer Calendar 


    Hotel Chocolat – The Grand Advent Calendar


    Joe & Seph’s Gourmet Popcorn Calendar


    M&S – Colin the Caterpillar Calendar 


    Cartwright & Butler


    Espa – Hidden Treasures Calendar


    NET-A-PORTER – 25 Days of Beauty Calendar


    Clarins – Men’s 12 Day Self-Care Calendar


    The Body Shop – Share the Love Big Calendar


    Charlotte Tilbury – Charlotte’s Beauty Dreams & Secrets Calendar 


    The White Company – Beauty Calendar 


    Fortnum & Mason – Feasting Calendar




    Martha Brook –  24 Days of Stationary Calendar


    Lego – City Calendar


    Lilly’s Kitchen – Calendar for Cat’s & Dog’s


    Here at New Chapter we recruit into lots of great FMCG & Retail companies like these, get in touch to see what exciting vacancies we currently have on offer.

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