Guide to Navigating Redundancy

Guide to Navigating Redundancy

We understand that navigating redundancy can be a daunting experience. However, we believe that it also presents a unique opportunity to reassess your career path and explore new avenues. As a recruitment company dedicated to helping candidates find their ideal roles, we see redundancy as a chance for personal and professional growth.

Here are some essential tips to help you navigate this challenging time:

Understand Your Rights

Familiarise yourself with your rights regarding redundancy pay, notice periods, and any other benefits you may be entitled to under employment law.

redundancy rights

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out to HR or a trusted legal advisor with any queries about your redundancy pay or the redundancy process itself.

Update your CV and LinkedIn

Take the opportunity to refresh your CV and update your profile, highlighting your skills and achievements. Also, consider turning on ‘Open to Work’ feature to show recruiters and hiring managers that you’re actively searching. Be sure to tailor your experience and CV to align with the roles you’re interested in applying for.



Utilise your network in person at industry events and on social media to connect with professionals in your field and gain insights into the job market.

Upskill and Reskill

Identify areas where you can improve certain skills or acquire new ones to increase competitiveness. Consider pursuing online courses and certifications to add relevant experience to your CV.


Stay Positive

Redundancy does not determine your worth as a professional. Remain resilient and focused on your goals as you navigate this phase of your professional career. Stay open to alternative career paths that may align with your skills and interests; experience in the FMCG sector may translate well into other sectors.

Consider Freelancing

Freelance or contract work can offer flexibility and opportunities while you search for your next permanent role in the FMCG industry.

self care

Take Care of Yourself

Finally, prioritise self-care and your mental health during this potentially stressful time. Maintain a healthy work-life balance, stay connected with family and friends, and seek support if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Navigating redundancy in the FMCG industry can be challenging, but by following these tips and staying proactive, you can position yourself for success in your new chapter. When approached with the right mindset and support, it can lead to significant professional growth and career fulfillment.

If you’re currently in this stage and would like advice from experts, contact us below.

If you are currently in the redundancy process or searching for a role, contact us today to schedule a confidential chat with one of our experienced consultants or take a look at vacancies below.

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